Are You Be-ing?

Are you Be-ing?
by Eva Gregory
Remember when you were young and played “pretend”? You could be anything that you wanted to be, there were no boundaries or obstacles. Do you recall the fun that you had being free to decide your path? It was fun wasn’t it? If so, why did you stop? Perhaps because it was time to “grow up” and be responsible? How limiting! Guess what, now’s the time to begin embracing your childhood again.
As adults we often want something, but our belief that we can’t achieve our desires end up standing in our way. It is time to suspend doubt and disbelief. The way to do this is by acting “as if”! DO not wait for the proof that you can be, do, or have what you want. BE it now in your mind. You can have what you want materialize by choosing the be-ing appropriate to your situation, since we become what we think about. The main idea here is that what shows up in your life directly corresponds to who you are be-ing. This said, if you want to make changes to the way things are showing up, your be-ing will need to change first.
Kelsey was beginning to lose hope of ever quitting her “day job”. She had been moonlighting in her home business as a Virtual Assistant for over three years, and still had not managed to come close to making what she was earning at her day job. In desperation Kelsey hired a personal coach. Her coach had her develop an Ideal Client Analysis by assembling a list of all of the qualities that she most wanted her clients to possess. By beginning with this exercise, Kelsey realized that more than half of her clients were not her ideal clients. Some did not pay on time, others tried to monopolize her time, and she even had a couple who were not very nice. Her coach then had her visualize what she thought her life would be like if she only worked with her ideal clients for the next month. Kelsey had visions of more free time, enjoying the work that she was doing for her ideal clients and being paid what she felt her services were worth, in a timely manner. Kelsey was thrilled with the picture that unfolded in her mind. Her coach then asked Kelsey to spend 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at bedtime, visualizing herself as the person that attracted her ideal client.
After one month Kelsey had some amazing things to report. She had gained eight new clients that paid her double what she had been making, and she had started letting go clients that did not fit her ideal client analysis. Kelsey had learned that the person she was be-ing in the beginning was allowing herself to be walked on, and that by creating a new be-ing she would be able to quit her day job rather quickly. It all came down to her choosing the right be-ing in order for her to attain her goals.
One of the best things about games is the safety factor. What ever shows up is fine when it is considered Just a Game. Imagine being able to attract everything you want in life, just by deciding to BE the one that the lifestyle belongs to. How cool is that? Remember to keep it light and above all else, have FUN with it!
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About the Author:
Eva Gregory, International Coach of the Year 2006, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit http://www.Leading Edge
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