Close Your Eyes and Dream

Close Your Eyes and Dream
by Eva Gregory
Despite what Wes Craven would have you believe, dreams cannot harm you, but they can help you immensely. Not the ones you have when you're sleeping, but the ones you hold in your heart ... your fondest desires. Those dreams can shape your reality if you take the time to give them life ... to visualize them. Do you ever wonder about the self-confidence that successful people always seem to have? It's that self-confidence that got them where they wanted to be. They focused on the goal and the mind and body made it happen.
Do you ever "what if"? Instead of playing "what if", why not play "I am". How does one play? It all comes back to be-ing. You can be what you want if you can picture yourself being it, living it, experiencing it. Close your eyes, relax, and imagine that you ARE the successful ______, and that you live in the beautiful __________, overlooking _________. You have a wonderful life. You are able to relax and enjoy life to the fullest. You are content and all of your worries are gone. Use all 5 of your senses.
Elaborate from there. What kind of house do you live in? Where is it located? Is this your summer home? What does the air smell like when you arrive at your home? Is it by the sea? Is it in the country?
Can you see it clearly? How does it make you feel? Do you feel like it is really yours? Do you feel as though you've earned it, that you deserve all that you are visualizing? This too is part of the process. When your feelings are one with your thoughts and beliefs, and they are focused on the positive goals that you have set, the picture that you are holding in your mind's eye ... they will begin manifesting. In essence, you've used your thoughts to attract the people, ideas, situations, etc. that will bring you the vision that you are holding of yourself. Thus creating your reality.
Bridget was feeling exceptionally low when a friend suggested that she schedule a session with a personal coach. She was hesitant and skeptical, thinking that there was not anything that her coach could tell her that she hadn't already thought of, envisioned, or dreamed of herself. She found that she was both right and wrong in her assumptions. When she met Dora she was impressed by how grounded she was and by how much they had in common. She also found out that a couple of years ago before Dora discovered coaching, that she was feeling adrift and had a business that was floundering. Bridget readily identified with this because her gift shop had been doing so poorly lately, that she had a number of creditors calling looking for payment. Dora told her that she used visualization to obtain her goals. Bridget scoffed at the idea. But when Dora explained that someone told her that if she could not visualize herself as a success that she would never be a success ... it began to make sense. Bridget didn't think she thought of herself as a failure, but realized that she also did not think of herself as a success.
Bridget spent 15 minutes twice a day visualizing herself running a successful business, living in the house of her dreams and living a debt free life. After a few weeks, she noticed the change in the level of confidence she had in her abilities. She approached her business dealings with more self-confidence which in turn began to increase her bottom line. Her increase in confidence made her much more attentive to her customers which produced larger sales. With Dora as her coach, Bridget used her dreams to obtain her reality. She visualized, imagined, spoke about and wrote down her goals to support her state of be-ing. She refused to back down and allow limiting thoughts to tarnish her future.
If Bridget could do it, so can you. Let go of the limiting thoughts and begin by embracing the life that you want, desire, and deserve. Let the picture you see in your mind support your goals and you will help them materialize that much faster. Let your dreams be the guide to your future and the road to your success. You just have to close your eyes and ... DREAM.
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About the Author:
Eva Gregory, International Coach of the Year 2006, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit
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