Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Setting Goals -- The Fulfilling Way

Setting Goals -- The Fulfilling Way
By Jeanna Gabellini

1. Before you begin with this year's goals, do a "no limit list" for all areas of your life. For instance some areas would be: Career, Financial, Fun/Recreation, Doodads, Home, Friends, Family, Health, etc. Then under each heading, list what you desire. Keep in mind there are no limits for this list. So you need to pretend you have all the money, time, and resources you need to have all of it come true.

2. Now that you have this great wish list, choose just a few items from each area that are a must this year. I say a few because it's much easier for you to stay focused and not get in overwhelm. Pick things that would thrill you to go for.

3. Know exactly why you've chosen these specific items. What will they give you? Some of you will want to skip this step. It's important to know who is doing the choosing -- you or your old patterns or your friends or your parents.

4. Now that you've chosen your focus for the year, lose your attachment to it. Yes, you read it correctly. Trust that you'll take the exact steps you need to to get there. You do not need to push forcefully or rush. Take your time. Especially with financial goals. Do your research, educate yourself, and take action in bite size chunks. So many of us leap into this gigantic project without thinking through all the steps and then find out we're not enjoying the process. When you think of the goal and it makes you smile and you get really jazzed about it, then that's an indication that you're on the right path for you! It's got to be right for you and nobody else.

5. If you're in a relationship, it's good to do the exercises above alone and then together. Neither of you has to give up what you want. You may take totally different paths to get the same end result. It's important to honor that each of you has different styles and desires. This isn't a power struggle; it's a partnership. Co-creation.

6. You'll find manifesting desires much easier if you focus on the end result and not the particles. Translation: Your path to the goal make take twists and turns you didn't expect. That's OK. Enjoy the adventure. The less attached you are to the way it needs to happen, the more flexibility and ease you'll have. This is much easier to hear that to embrace in your life. Practice, practice, practice!

7. Give yourself permission. Permission to go slower. Permission to take a break. Permission to fail. Permission to take risks. Permission to take a different path. It's OK to not know the answers or where to start. It's OK to ask for help. People who take leadership in their life ask for support and seek mentors, coaches, and teachers more knowledgeable than themselves.

8. Have Fun! You know what? If it doesn't bring you joy to go after your goals, then why the heck are you going for them?! It's not worth it. If something is hard, a struggle or stressful -- STOP! Take a break to evaluate what's happening. Do you need to get feedback from someone who is objective? What's another way to get the goal accomplished? Am I grounded or in reaction?

Copyright © 2007 Jeanna Gabellini

Jeanna Gabellina is an Xtreme Abundance™ personal and business coach, and the head honcho of MASTERPEACE Coaching & Training. For over ten years she has empowered thousands of individuals and businesses to take their focus off "perceived" limitations and reach their desired personal and financial goals NOW! She regularly conducts teleclasses and is the author of "The Art of Practice" Ebook.

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