Friday, August 03, 2007

Money Is Your Servant

Money Is Your Servant
By Jeanna Gabellini

Money issues seem to be an ongoing challenge for many of us. We tend to try to control it, as if it were a beast. We put boundaries, rules, limitations, and goals in place to make us feel like we're being "good" and doing it "right."

Once we learn some new wealth-building strategies or hear about a great stock, we get very excited and leap into action. Now, action and excitement are a great combination. And ... they may not be the real solution. We're still trying to outsmart the money. We think every new tip may be our key to wealth. This perspective is that money is smart and we have to outsmart it.

The truth: Money is just paper. It is the meaning that you assign to it that gives it power. It's actually just an energy exchange. You receive money for your output of energy. You decide if you're a slave to your money or not. When you worry about money you have just shut off your choices, creativity, and power. When you think you're powerless, it's like being backed in a corner and you act out of fear and scarcity.

Let money be your servant. You decide where you'd like to spend it and how you want to make it. At any time you can change your "rules" to play a different way. The way you use money is a reflection of how you feel about yourself. If you feel in control and joyful with your finances, your cash flow moves steady and abundant. When you hold it tightly and worry, you stop the flow or have leaks.
How can you improve and enjoy your relationship with money? Let it serve you. For you are the master and it does what you direct it to do.

Copyright © 2007 Jeanna Gabellini

Jeanna Gabellini is an Xtreme Abundance™ personal and business coach, and the head honcho of MASTERPEACE Coaching & Training. For over ten years she has empowered thousands of individuals and businesses to take their focus off "perceived" limitations and reach their desired personal and financial goals NOW! She regularly conducts teleclasses and is the author of "The Art of Practice" Ebook.
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