Changing Your Mind for True Wealth: How Do You Know When You've Really Done It?
Changing Your Mind for True Wealth: How Do You Know When You've Really Done It?
By Jeanna Gabellini
You already know that it's smart to invest, look for different strategies, and let go of your old safe ways of thinking around money. Blah, blah, blah. So, are you doing what you know? If you've been courageous enough, you've probably taken some steps. It seems like you've totally changed your ways. You've paid off debt, created some passive income, bought some real estate, and you have a plan. But how do you know that you're not in another box? How do you know that this new way of being with your money isn't old already? Read on.
Having true wealth consciousness is an inside job. Even when you have the intellectual knowledge and are taking steps, old patterns will show up. Having knowledge about something and knowing something at a cellular level are VERY different. You will feel a place in your heart that eases up once you've made a change at a core level. Youíll be playing with your money like it's a game. You'll feel fulfillment, eagerness to learn, and alignment with your goals and values. Opportunities will come out of the woodwork. They will not frighten you. You will always be looking for ways to create solutions to make deals, rather than saying "I can't" or "I don't know how."
There is a sense of space, and urgency is gone. You are confident in your ability to make decisions and trust yourself and your partners. You'll be using strategies that most folks (including accountants, financial planners, and real estate brokers) will say are crazy or can't be done. You will be a pioneer in your old circle of friends. You will feel different. You'll ask people you respect to give you feedback and be honest about what they see in you. You will be hungry to keep learning and stretching. The tasks will become second to how you're feeling. The emotions that you may experience will be joy, security, trust, faith, and exhilaration.
Let's use my client, Joe, as an example. For the past year, his focus was to operate his business as a "B." In Robert Kiyosaki's, "CASHFLOW Quadrant," a business owner has systems and people that run their business. The owner should be able to go on a trip around the world and still generate cash flow as if he/she were working. Well, Joe had made significant steps by hiring more people, buying the building he operated from, and creating systems. But guess what? If he wasn't directing the employees, they weren't taking leadership. They were dependent on him. If his assistant left for a week, nobody could find anything. He thought he was operating totally different, but I pointed out that he needed to create a team who would take leadership. He also needed to create more structure from the ground up.
From the outside, you would not have noticed any of this. He was generating more income and surpassing all of his goals. If he didn't have someone to point this out to him, how long would it have taken him to crash and pull his hair out? I don't know, but he didn't have to wait because he'd hired a coach. He has now hired a consultant to help him build better systems.
There are a couple of things to point out in this example:
1. Joe had created a new paradigm around growing his business. But the new expansive paradigm was already limiting him. So again, he had to shift.
2. He had the beginnings of a team around him that were looking from the outside in to support him. They were objective and skilled in specific areas.
3. Joe had to be honest, vulnerable, and curious about how he was thinking and feeling. He had do this with himself, then with his support team.
Do the following to ensure the changes you're making are from the inside out:
1. Be constantly pushing your limited thinking. If your heart pounds a bit when an opportunity comes, that may be something to examine with a partner or mentor/coach.
2. Expand the areas in which you invest. Do something different. Even if you do bigger deals in the stock market than you've done previously, you may still be playing where you feel safe. How about real estate or creating intellectual property? Everything seems foreign when it ís new. Once you learn and practice in a new area, it becomes fun.
3. Have a team that is 100% aligned with your vision. Your team can inspire you, support you in the same old-same old, or even bring you down. It's your choice. Make sure your team includes people who are farther down the wealth path than you. They'll teach you by example and get you used to wealth being a normal state of being.
4. As you feel and think, so shall you create. Where is your focus? Are your thoughts of prosperity, faith, and joy? Struggle, mediocrity or some day ís? If only ... If only you knew that you could be, do, and have anything, RIGHT NOW!
5. Hire experts. If you don't have a coach, mentor and/or mastermind team that you meet with consistently, you are prolonging wealth. Stop kidding yourself. These folks remind you to stretch; they support and teach you. They hold you more powerful than you see yourself. If you say you can't afford it or don't have time, then you obviously don't have an abundant perspective and are not solution-focused. You're in the land of fear and would really benefit from a more sophisticated team.
6. Get comfortable and welcome the fear that arises when pushing your thinking. Expect it. Get thrilled about it. It's just an indicator of where you would benefit from growing. While you're at it, get comfortable with falling down or momentarily lapsing back into old ways. It happens. So what?! One of my coaches today told me, "Have mercy on yourself." Be forgiving and keep giving yourself love. Duh! Beating yourself up is totally useless. Tell your self-judge to buzz off!
7. Get real. Be honest about your thoughts. Own your strengths. You really do know more than you think and are more powerful than you know. Be honest about what you don't think you know and where you hold yourself back. Let people know how they can support you. We're not always mind readers, ya know?!
Do yourself a huge favor. Breathe in right now. Decide that you will take a bold step this week, even if you feel nervous. You are ready. Promise. Read about our free teleclass and other cool stuff to help you on this wonderful journey. If it's not fun and impactful, I don't do it!
Play the game of life. Enough said. Bye!
Copyright © 2007 Jeanna Gabellini
Jeanna Gabellini is an Xtreme Abundance™ personal and business coach, and the head honcho of MASTERPEACE Coaching & Training. For over ten years she has empowered thousands of individuals and businesses to take their focus off "perceived" limitations and reach their desired personal and financial goals NOW! She regularly conducts teleclasses and is the author of "The Art of Practice" Ebook.
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