Friday, August 24, 2007

Changing Your Mind for True Wealth: How Do You Know When You've Really Done It?

Changing Your Mind for True Wealth: How Do You Know When You've Really Done It?
By Jeanna Gabellini

You already know that it's smart to invest, look for different strategies, and let go of your old safe ways of thinking around money. Blah, blah, blah. So, are you doing what you know? If you've been courageous enough, you've probably taken some steps. It seems like you've totally changed your ways. You've paid off debt, created some passive income, bought some real estate, and you have a plan. But how do you know that you're not in another box? How do you know that this new way of being with your money isn't old already? Read on.

Having true wealth consciousness is an inside job. Even when you have the intellectual knowledge and are taking steps, old patterns will show up. Having knowledge about something and knowing something at a cellular level are VERY different. You will feel a place in your heart that eases up once you've made a change at a core level. Youíll be playing with your money like it's a game. You'll feel fulfillment, eagerness to learn, and alignment with your goals and values. Opportunities will come out of the woodwork. They will not frighten you. You will always be looking for ways to create solutions to make deals, rather than saying "I can't" or "I don't know how."

There is a sense of space, and urgency is gone. You are confident in your ability to make decisions and trust yourself and your partners. You'll be using strategies that most folks (including accountants, financial planners, and real estate brokers) will say are crazy or can't be done. You will be a pioneer in your old circle of friends. You will feel different. You'll ask people you respect to give you feedback and be honest about what they see in you. You will be hungry to keep learning and stretching. The tasks will become second to how you're feeling. The emotions that you may experience will be joy, security, trust, faith, and exhilaration.

Let's use my client, Joe, as an example. For the past year, his focus was to operate his business as a "B." In Robert Kiyosaki's, "CASHFLOW Quadrant," a business owner has systems and people that run their business. The owner should be able to go on a trip around the world and still generate cash flow as if he/she were working. Well, Joe had made significant steps by hiring more people, buying the building he operated from, and creating systems. But guess what? If he wasn't directing the employees, they weren't taking leadership. They were dependent on him. If his assistant left for a week, nobody could find anything. He thought he was operating totally different, but I pointed out that he needed to create a team who would take leadership. He also needed to create more structure from the ground up.

From the outside, you would not have noticed any of this. He was generating more income and surpassing all of his goals. If he didn't have someone to point this out to him, how long would it have taken him to crash and pull his hair out? I don't know, but he didn't have to wait because he'd hired a coach. He has now hired a consultant to help him build better systems.

There are a couple of things to point out in this example:

1. Joe had created a new paradigm around growing his business. But the new expansive paradigm was already limiting him. So again, he had to shift.
2. He had the beginnings of a team around him that were looking from the outside in to support him. They were objective and skilled in specific areas.
3. Joe had to be honest, vulnerable, and curious about how he was thinking and feeling. He had do this with himself, then with his support team.

Do the following to ensure the changes you're making are from the inside out:

1. Be constantly pushing your limited thinking. If your heart pounds a bit when an opportunity comes, that may be something to examine with a partner or mentor/coach.
2. Expand the areas in which you invest. Do something different. Even if you do bigger deals in the stock market than you've done previously, you may still be playing where you feel safe. How about real estate or creating intellectual property? Everything seems foreign when it ís new. Once you learn and practice in a new area, it becomes fun.
3. Have a team that is 100% aligned with your vision. Your team can inspire you, support you in the same old-same old, or even bring you down. It's your choice. Make sure your team includes people who are farther down the wealth path than you. They'll teach you by example and get you used to wealth being a normal state of being.
4. As you feel and think, so shall you create. Where is your focus? Are your thoughts of prosperity, faith, and joy? Struggle, mediocrity or some day ís? If only ... If only you knew that you could be, do, and have anything, RIGHT NOW!
5. Hire experts. If you don't have a coach, mentor and/or mastermind team that you meet with consistently, you are prolonging wealth. Stop kidding yourself. These folks remind you to stretch; they support and teach you. They hold you more powerful than you see yourself. If you say you can't afford it or don't have time, then you obviously don't have an abundant perspective and are not solution-focused. You're in the land of fear and would really benefit from a more sophisticated team.
6. Get comfortable and welcome the fear that arises when pushing your thinking. Expect it. Get thrilled about it. It's just an indicator of where you would benefit from growing. While you're at it, get comfortable with falling down or momentarily lapsing back into old ways. It happens. So what?! One of my coaches today told me, "Have mercy on yourself." Be forgiving and keep giving yourself love. Duh! Beating yourself up is totally useless. Tell your self-judge to buzz off!
7. Get real. Be honest about your thoughts. Own your strengths. You really do know more than you think and are more powerful than you know. Be honest about what you don't think you know and where you hold yourself back. Let people know how they can support you. We're not always mind readers, ya know?!

Do yourself a huge favor. Breathe in right now. Decide that you will take a bold step this week, even if you feel nervous. You are ready. Promise. Read about our free teleclass and other cool stuff to help you on this wonderful journey. If it's not fun and impactful, I don't do it!

Play the game of life. Enough said. Bye!

Copyright © 2007 Jeanna Gabellini

Jeanna Gabellini is an Xtreme Abundance™ personal and business coach, and the head honcho of MASTERPEACE Coaching & Training. For over ten years she has empowered thousands of individuals and businesses to take their focus off "perceived" limitations and reach their desired personal and financial goals NOW! She regularly conducts teleclasses and is the author of "The Art of Practice" Ebook.
You may use this article on your website or in your ezine provided you do not modify the article in any way and the appropriate credit is included.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Choose Your Path

Choose Your Path
by Eva Gregory

You wish that you could do something over, take back an action, or exchange an utterance? The bad news is that you can’t – what’s done is done. The good news is that it’s already in the past and this is the first moment of the rest of your life. Since you can’t change the past, what does your future hold? It’s up to you to choose.

As a society we are often stuck in a rut. Not satisfied with our past and our present, but reluctant to step up to the plate and make the future what we desire. Too often this occurs because we don’t realize that we created the path we are on consciously or unconsciously. But nothing is written in stone. Change begins first with a thought, followed by a choice, which becomes an action.

Jenny was very depressed. It seemed that no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t get her business off the ground and her bills were mounting to epic proportions. She knew that if she couldn’t turn things around relatively quickly, that she would soon be facing bankruptcy. Knowing that things were out of hand she asked her best friend to lunch for some advice. Over lunch, Danni listened attentively as Jenny got her up to speed. When Jenny was done, Danni took a deep breath and said, “So, what are you choosing to do about it?” Jenny stopped chewing and thought about how Danni had phrased the question and asked her what she meant. Danni proceeded to explain to Jenny in detail, just how much control she had over her situation. First, she asked Jenny to describe her thoughts about her business and her finances. Jenny told Danni that having her own business had always been a dream of hers, but that she never had enough funds coming in, her client list was pitifully short, and she was rapidly losing hope. Once Danni understood Jenny’s feelings she asked her to describe her ideal situation. As she watched, Jenny’s face became animated, her voice became passionate, and her eyes lit up as she described oodles of serious fun clients, fulfilling projects, and an abundance of funds. When she stopped speaking, Danni asked Jenny to focus on her “success vision”, to choose and embrace it as her reality, to think about it at least three times each day in great deal and to let go of the thoughts that had landed her in her situation. Lastly, Danni suggested that Jenny monitor her progress each day by acknowledging the changes in her circumstances with some form of appreciation. When Jenny did not respond Danni gave her examples of things to appreciate, like a new client, a potential referral, free advertising. Jenny decided that she had nothing to lose, so she decided to give it a try.

About three months later Jenny called Danni and asked her to come over for dinner. When Danni arrived she found a beautiful table set, with a cake that had two words on it - Thank You. Jenny explained that she had spent the past three months showing appreciation for everyone and everything that showed up, but Danni deserved something extra special for helping her turn her life around. Jenny told Danni that her business seemed to take off within two weeks of their conversation. She had new clients, changed her marketing materials, and had even been approved for a loan that she had forgotten that she applied for. Jenny’s business was becoming successful, and she was positive that it was because she stopped playing the martyr and decided to choose to be successful.

Are there things in your life that you would like to release? Or things that you would like to see materialize? Are you ready to make the choice to BE what you want? I’d like you to close your eyes and visualize your dream life. If it’s different from the life you have, then you have a choice to make. Simply, becoming aware of the thoughts that you hold and changing them to appreciation will have a profound affect on your life. Don’t worry about what has already happened, remember, this is the first moment of the rest of your life.

Excerpted from Eva’s book, The Feel Good Guide to Prosperity
All rights reserved.

You're welcome to use this article online as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the "About The Author" info below:)

About the Author:
Eva Gregory, International Coach of the Year 2006, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit

Friday, August 17, 2007

Perspectives: Your Relationship With Money

If you know you were born to be successful, rich and fulfilled ...

If you have an inkling of wanting more from your money ...

Read this short piece. I believe we all possess the brilliance to achieve
our deepest desires.

Good day!

Or is it? What have you been thinking about today? What have you done?
Is a majority of your thoughts and actions aligned with what you say you
want? Do you find you react rather than being pro-active?
So much of the time we say we want to have more money or have better habits with it. Then life gets in the way and we start thinking, stressing, and
creating good intentions. Some of us actually create a plan and start following it. Then what?

Time is like money. We're either spending it or investing it. How are you
using it? Is yours working for you or you for it? I recently co-led a workshop, "The Next Step to Wealth." We had the participants look at how they spent a typical day in relationship to money.

From the time you wake up in the morning 'til bedtime, what are you doing
and thinking? You are usually doing one of the following:
• Worrying about money
• Spending it
• Working for it
• Planning what to do with it
• Avoiding it
• Denying it's impact on you
• Being creative with it
• Investing it to make more $ for you

Or do you forget about it?

It's important to be conscious about your practice with money. Whatever
you currently do is what you practice. If you want to practice something
new, you have to know what you want as a result. Practicing takes
practice. Taking small consistent steps is great! Give yourself some
space and time to make the changes. It doesn't have to be perfect. Just
enough to make you feel like you're moving towards the target. What
resources and support do you need to start your new practice or expand on
your current ones.

Copyright © 2007 Jeanna Gabellini

Jeanna Gabellini is an Xtreme Abundance™ personal and business coach, and the head honcho of MASTERPEACE Coaching & Training. For over ten years she has empowered thousands of individuals and businesses to take their focus off "perceived" limitations and reach their desired personal and financial goals NOW! She regularly conducts teleclasses and is the author of "The Art of Practice" Ebook.
You may use this article on your website or in your ezine provided you do not modify the article in any way and the appropriate credit is included.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Choose Your Friends Wisely

Choose Your Friends Wisely
by Eva Gregory

As individuals concerned about quality of life and the environment, I am sure that you frequently consider how the environment affects your well-being. Asking questions about what is being spewed into the air that is breathed, dumped into the water what is drunk, or absorbed into the food that is eaten has become commonplace. What about your social environment? It has just as much of an impact on your life, and in most cases the effects are more readily felt than those of what we consider to be the outside environment.

The people that interact with you on a daily basis - friends, colleagues, significant others and family members all play principal roles in your life. While it is impossible to choose who all of your colleagues are (even if you own your own business), and you definitely cannot choose your family members (as much as we may wish on occasion), you CAN choose your friends and significant others (as they typically start out as friends first). Take a look at those people that you consider to be friends. Do you honestly feel like you have built a community of supportive fulfilling relationships? Or does your list of friends resemble a patchwork quilt, because the relationships just developed and were not nurtured or deliberately created.

Now, I hear you thinking "I like my friends. Why would I want to deliberately look for friends, anyway?" The answer is, because the type of people that you spend time with is a direct reflection of who you are, what you feel and what you do. If you hang out with people that are always broke, never happy or satisfied, constantly complaining, or always playing the victim, their situations will affect you. How can their situations be reflected in your life? If you are a true friend you will at least feel sad for your friend and it will make you sad. In other situations, you can actually find their emotions, beliefs, and actions being reflected in YOUR life as well. Tim can illustrate this point nicely.

Tim has had the same group of three friends since high school. They are all twenty-five years old, but Tim is currently the only one of them that is employed. He is an Assistant Manager at a sporting goods store. He often hears his friends complain about the lack of opportunity because of the state of the economy, how unfair life is because you cannot get ahead without a college education, but that with one, the job market is still saturated, and how they can never find decent dates. Tim had been considering returning to college but changed his mind right before the start of the new semester. His girlfriend was so upset that she broke up with him and told him that he was never going to get ahead if he continued to associate with his "loser" friends. Tim now has the chance to become Manager of his store. Want to bet that his friends will find some way to put a negative spin on it for him? Tim is clearly being affected by the attitudes and beliefs of his friends. In fact, they are the epitome of negativity and have adversely impacted his life.

If Tim had put careful thought and emphasis in choosing his friends, his scenario may actually look more like this. Tim and his girlfriend meet his friends after work. He tells them that he is being considered for a promotion, but that he has a problem because he is also attending school. They brainstorm a bit, realizing that this is a fantastic opportunity for him and come up with a brilliant plan. They suggest that Tim contact the school and see if his work experience could be applied towards college credit and then meet with his regional manager to determine if he would be willing to mentor Tim as a Co-Op student. What a difference! The type of people that Tim considers as friends has dramatically changed the course of his life with a single interaction. Imagine the affect that this could have over a number of years!

So how does one build a community of fulfilling relationships? Begin by looking for people that share things in common with you, or possess those qualities that you would like to nurture within yourself. People that have similar interests, hobbies, lifestyles, goals, or personalities are a great place to start. Once you begin meeting people, evaluate how they react to their environment. If you react similarly, or you find their reaction positive - I dare say you might have a winner. If you do this a few times, you will find yourself surrounded with like-minded people that you will feel truly connected with.

There is nothing wrong with looking to maximize the number of positive interactions that can occur each day. If you and your friends can nurture each other and improve the quality of each others lives, only good things can come of this. How many times during childhood and adolescence did you hear that you should, "choose your friends wisely"? Imagine That! The adults ACTUALLY knew what they were talking about after all!

You're welcome to use this article online as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the "About The Author" info below:)

About the Author:
Eva Gregory, International Coach of the Year 2006, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit http://www.Leading Edge

Monday, August 13, 2007

Money DOES Grow on Trees

Money DOES Grow on Trees
By Jeanna Gabellini

Money grows on trees?! Yes, it does. Well, this is just a metaphor. But the point is that money is as abundant as fruit on trees. Some of you may be thinking, "Yeah, right!" If you are, then you better listen up. ;-)

If you did believe that money grew on trees, you would probably have a whole different attitude. You would know that you could just go out and pick some whenever you needed it. There may be times when the fruit isn't ripe enough to pick, but there would be no panic as you'd see all the blossoms covering the tree. You'd know from experience that every year you have so much fruit that you have to give it away to all of your friends, neighbors, and folks at work. Some of the fruit even goes to waste on the ground. Not that you don't care about it, but it grows so abundantly that you can't keep up with it. That's when you hire someone to take of it.

How do money trees get there in the first place? You have to plant them, silly! Sometimes a person long ago planted the trees and you just need to give them some care and attention.

All right, you get the metaphor. Let's make it real. When you want more money for anything, the money is available to you. You may not be able to see it on a tree in your yard, but it is within your reach.
In "One Minute Millionaire" by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen, they say over and over that all the money you need is a phone call away. It's true! The only problem is that sometimes you'll think that you don't know who to call. In those moments, you'll need to listen to your intuition. It may say, "Call Mark." How can that be? Mark just went on unemployment. Well, Mark knows the person you need to ask. Or Mark is now selling his house at a very low price to move into something more affordable and now you have a property you can turn for a nice profit!

The point here is that everything you need, be it money or the item for which you want the money, is within your reach. As easily as you can pluck fruit from a tree, you can pluck the answers from your intuition. It will guide you to the actions you need to take. Many times the source for your millions is right in your backyard. You do not have to search for the source. You just need to ask.

Ask yourself now, "What gift or project do I already have that, if given attention, could grow money for me?"

What is your dominant belief? Money comes to me easily ... or I am constantly struggling to have more?

To think is to create.

Gotta go now! I'm going to go pick some fruit!

Copyright © 2007 Jeanna Gabellini

Jeanna Gabellini is an Xtreme Abundance™ personal and business coach, and the head honcho of MASTERPEACE Coaching & Training. For over ten years she has empowered thousands of individuals and businesses to take their focus off "perceived" limitations and reach their desired personal and financial goals NOW! She regularly conducts teleclasses and is the author of "The Art of Practice" Ebook.
You may use this article on your website or in your ezine provided you do not modify the article in any way and the appropriate credit is included.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Celebrate Your Friends

Celebrate Your Friends
By Eva Gregory

What is your perception of your friendships?

Who do you call when you break up with a boy/girlfriend, get a new job, announce an impending birth, or just need to vent? I’ll even wager that your favorite friends are even on speed dial or voice dial too! Friendship is a huge part of everyday existence. What do you do to nurture these relationships? Do you let your friends know just how much they mean to you? Do you send them cards, always make time for them no matter what, or do they know that they can always count on you? Typically it’s unspoken, but it never hurts to actually tell them how much they really mean to you.

Krista and Faith had been friends since their wild college days. Ten years after graduation and with over 1,200 miles between them, there is no doubt in their minds who their best friend is. They communicate at least once weekly via e-mail or telephone calls, schedule time every couple of years for face-to-face visits, have never missed a major event in each other’s lives, and are more like sisters despite the distance. Gene and Trevor met at their first full-time job five years ago. Neither was brimming with confidence when they began their careers, but no one ever knew it. Instead they’d discuss their close calls, insecurities, and successes together after work over pizza. They no longer work for the same company, but they still get together once a week to trade stories, call each other during the workday to bounce strategies off each other, and Gene has been asked to be Trevor’s best man when he gets married in five months.

Good friendships are mutual, honest, fuel inner fires, provide support, and typically make you feel good. Unfortunately there are friendships that do not fit this description. Like every other area of your life, if a friendship doesn’t make you feel good, why participate in it? So if you have a toxic friendship, let it go. You’ll both be better off for it, as what you resist persists. Recognizing and accepting the situation for what it is, and having the strength to make a break, will pave the way for more positive interactions for both of you.

They say the Friends pilot was based on the fact that when you’re young and single in the City your friends are your family, and that was how Friends came to be. In truth, good friends travel with you on your journey through life - even when you may live thousands of miles apart. While spouses, children, in-laws, etc. may show up on the scene, a good friend is always along for the ride, always a part of your family, and always with you in spirit. Even if you haven't talked in months, the conversation picks up as if you'd just spoken the day before without a beat! Friendship like almost everything else in life is based on perception, but it is acts of friendship that tell the truest picture of all. Let your friends know that you’ll be there for them ‘cause they’re there for you too - in every possible way!

You're welcome to use this article online as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the "About The Author" info below:)

About the Author:
Eva Gregory, International Coach of the Year 2006, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit

Thursday, August 09, 2007

10 Truths About Prosperity

10 Truths About Prosperity
By Jeanna Gabellini

For those of you who tend to use only your logical mind to create wealth, you may want to sit down. Here are a few rules of prosperity that guarantee results.

• Truly know what you want. Then put your request out for others to hear. If you can formulate the question, you will get an answer.
• Focus on what you DO want, rather than what you DON'T want. It's habitual for most of us to go to the negative "what if's." What if I lose my money on this deal, what if I fail, what if I can't afford it, and 1000 other thoughts that give us heartache!
• Expect to have abundance. Wishing, hoping, affirmations and prayers don't work unless you believe that what you want is coming to you. Expecting means you know it's going to happen, even when there is no proof. What kinds of decisions, actions and risks would you make if you knew you would have positive results?
• Only take actions that you are inspired to do. If you try to do all the things that you've read about that you are SUPPOSED to do or the stuff your parents said that you should do, you'd feel a weight on your shoulders. What do you want to do? If it feels irresponsible to only do what you want, consider a different perspective. It is your responsibility to make yourself happy. When you are in the flow of joy, everything you attract will please you.
• It is your job to mind your business. Your business is knowing what is and what isn't making you happy about the investments, partnerships, jobs, and tasks you are involved in. If it's not giving you what you want, change it now. Get a different financial advisor, change jobs, or talk with your partner. If you keep doing it the same way, you'll always get the same results, no matter if it makes you glad or sad.
• Listen to your inner guidance. Any time a deal, situation, or person has gone sour; you knew something wasn't right. Think about it. You can look back and at some point you had a feeling (even if just for a split second) that you didn't listen to. Listen to your gut, it will never fail you.
• Know the difference between your intuition and your "gremlin voice." Your intuition gives you simple and short messages. Your negative self-talk usually sounds like a parent nagging, someone playing devil's advocate, or the biggest 'fraidy cat. A gremlin will say things like, "This investment is too good to be true" or "I don't know how" or "I better play it safe than sorry." Your gut just tells you if something feels good or bad.

It takes the same amount of effort to create $1,000,000 as it takes to create $1,000. If you knew you could create a million a week, you could. It is the same process to manifest any dollar amount. You desire it, you decide you're going to have it, you take an inspired action, you believe, it shows up.
You can have abundant prosperity, NOW. It truly does not matter what you have created in your past. Abundance is available to everyone in the same amounts. Do you believe that? Whether you do or don't is the very reason why you have prosperity at the level you desire or not.

Trusting yourself is the biggest key to creating the wealth, prosperity, and well-being you desire. You don't have to know all the details, how-to's, or information about the topic you are pondering or engaged in. You do have to know that you will make the perfect choices for you, in perfect timing, with the perfect people, and that you have an inner guide who will always lead you down the perfect path. No kidding!

If you focused on practicing one of these truths each week, your life would be transformed. There's no effort in doing this. Create a couple of notes around the house, work, and your car to remind you. Tell a few friends to give you a nudge if they catch you talking or acting from a place of lack or playing it safe. Now you're set. I know you will love receiving the wealth that you are sooooooo capable of allowing!

Copyright © 2007 Jeanna Gabellini

Jeanna Gabellina is an Xtreme Abundance™ personal and business coach, and the head honcho of MASTERPEACE Coaching & Training. For over ten years she has empowered thousands of individuals and businesses to take their focus off "perceived" limitations and reach their desired personal and financial goals NOW! She regularly conducts teleclasses and is the author of "The Art of Practice" Ebook.
You may use this article on your website or in your ezine provided you do not modify the article in any way and the appropriate credit is included.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Can You Hear Them Now?

Can You Hear Them Now?
by Eva Gregory

What happens when you get the overwhelming urge to act on an idea? Do you pay attention when the same scenario keeps presenting itself? Do you make leaps when all indications are pointed to the fact that it is the right time? If not, perhaps it's time to listen to the signs of the universe. Do you hear them? Most importantly, do they make you act? Those signs are nudges by the universe, designed to keep you on path and steer you towards your goals.

Hope was sick of her job and longed for a way out. She had just learned of an online program that catered to graphic design and it piqued her interest. She liked the idea of learning at home as her schedule allowed. So Hope signed up for the course and waited for the materials to come. She waited, and waited, and waited but they did not come. Totally exasperated she called and cancelled the course. Hope decided that it wasn't meant to be and stuck it out with her day job. Ten months later she ran across an advertisement for the course again. She figured that it had worked out for the best the last time, but decided to give it another try. So she signed up again, or so she thought. About two days later she was contacted and told her credit card had not gone through. She tried two different cards, and none of them worked despite the fact that they were working for her everywhere else. So again Hope decided to put it on the back burner. About six months ago Hope decided that it was time to start making some positive changes in her life. The following week while in the midst of a full-fledged cleaning spree, she uncovered the graphic design course information. She hoped that the third time would indeed be a charm, so she placed her order, waited three days and her course materials actually arrived. Three days earlier than expected. Hope is half-way through her course and loves it. She intuitively knew that was the right time to pursue her dream. She wasn't near ready the first time. The second time she was almost ready, but not one hundred percent ready to commit. This last time she was totally amped up to succeed.

Would you have reacted the same way as Hope? She may not have known that the universe was working overtime to get her enrolled in her course, but she did intuitively know when to be persistent. If Hope has succeeded in registering the first time she probably would not have completed the course. She was busy at work, her home office as in a state of chaos, and she was physically exhausted. Hope listened and decided to back off. What if the signs kept showing up, seemingly in conflict? Hope figured that it was this course that she needed to take because the same one was recommended to her by several different people. But when she tried to register the second time, the universe would not allow her credit card to be processed, thus she couldn't pay for it. It was lucky for Hope that she didn't commit to the course then, because about 3 months later her car died and she needed to pay for the repairs using the funds that she would have doled out for the course. Conflicting signs? Yup! But for whatever reason it was clear that she was not to take the course at that time.

Learn to look for the signs that show up, and listen to their plan. Contrary to popular belief we juggle way too much, and being able to simply act when we are prompted to do so takes an incredible load off. Answers to problems that we may or may not already be aware of, fall into our laps everyday. Can you remember the last time that happened? Here's a fun exercise. Write down all of the instances that the universe gave you a nudge in the last week. Don't groan, it's just one week. If you do not recall any nudges try getting in a quiet place, closing your eyes, and really meditating on last week. When something seemingly unexpected popped into the forefront and said "Here I am!" Then write it down. Once you get started momentum will take over. Thinking about these moments and writing them down serves three primary purposes. First it gets you in the habit of learning to recognize these nudges for what they are. Then you can begin to take full advantage of them when they initially occur. Second, it allows you the opportunity to dwell on just how wonderfully the universe is working for you, allowing you the chance to show gratitude. Lastly, reflection allows you to remember the vibrations that were being sent out at the time that the universe responded to you. If what showed up was not what you wanted, this is the prime opportunity to start tweaking the messages that you are transmitting. It's a powerful exercise. Those of you who journal and/or keep gratitude journals will have a heads-up, but it will be just as intense an exercise for you as well.

With a practice and persistence you and the universe will be on the same wavelength. You will be alleviating stress by letting go of problems and you will find that more and more time is being spent on enjoyable tasks. Even things that would have formerly been considered major obstacles will be solved so effortlessly, that you will enjoy the process of putting the solutions in place. No longer will anyone be asking you "can you hear them now?" Your life will be proof-positive that you have eliminated the static, and are receiving messages with such incredible clarity that Verizon will have nothing on you!

You're welcome to use this article online as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the "About The Author" info below:)

About the Author:
Eva Gregory, International Coach of the Year 2006, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit http://www.Leading Edge

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Setting Goals -- The Fulfilling Way

Setting Goals -- The Fulfilling Way
By Jeanna Gabellini

1. Before you begin with this year's goals, do a "no limit list" for all areas of your life. For instance some areas would be: Career, Financial, Fun/Recreation, Doodads, Home, Friends, Family, Health, etc. Then under each heading, list what you desire. Keep in mind there are no limits for this list. So you need to pretend you have all the money, time, and resources you need to have all of it come true.

2. Now that you have this great wish list, choose just a few items from each area that are a must this year. I say a few because it's much easier for you to stay focused and not get in overwhelm. Pick things that would thrill you to go for.

3. Know exactly why you've chosen these specific items. What will they give you? Some of you will want to skip this step. It's important to know who is doing the choosing -- you or your old patterns or your friends or your parents.

4. Now that you've chosen your focus for the year, lose your attachment to it. Yes, you read it correctly. Trust that you'll take the exact steps you need to to get there. You do not need to push forcefully or rush. Take your time. Especially with financial goals. Do your research, educate yourself, and take action in bite size chunks. So many of us leap into this gigantic project without thinking through all the steps and then find out we're not enjoying the process. When you think of the goal and it makes you smile and you get really jazzed about it, then that's an indication that you're on the right path for you! It's got to be right for you and nobody else.

5. If you're in a relationship, it's good to do the exercises above alone and then together. Neither of you has to give up what you want. You may take totally different paths to get the same end result. It's important to honor that each of you has different styles and desires. This isn't a power struggle; it's a partnership. Co-creation.

6. You'll find manifesting desires much easier if you focus on the end result and not the particles. Translation: Your path to the goal make take twists and turns you didn't expect. That's OK. Enjoy the adventure. The less attached you are to the way it needs to happen, the more flexibility and ease you'll have. This is much easier to hear that to embrace in your life. Practice, practice, practice!

7. Give yourself permission. Permission to go slower. Permission to take a break. Permission to fail. Permission to take risks. Permission to take a different path. It's OK to not know the answers or where to start. It's OK to ask for help. People who take leadership in their life ask for support and seek mentors, coaches, and teachers more knowledgeable than themselves.

8. Have Fun! You know what? If it doesn't bring you joy to go after your goals, then why the heck are you going for them?! It's not worth it. If something is hard, a struggle or stressful -- STOP! Take a break to evaluate what's happening. Do you need to get feedback from someone who is objective? What's another way to get the goal accomplished? Am I grounded or in reaction?

Copyright © 2007 Jeanna Gabellini

Jeanna Gabellina is an Xtreme Abundance™ personal and business coach, and the head honcho of MASTERPEACE Coaching & Training. For over ten years she has empowered thousands of individuals and businesses to take their focus off "perceived" limitations and reach their desired personal and financial goals NOW! She regularly conducts teleclasses and is the author of "The Art of Practice" Ebook.

You may use this article on your website or in your ezine provided you do not modify the article in any way and the appropriate credit is included.

Monday, August 06, 2007

But They Mean Well

But They Mean Well
by Eva Gregory

You’re in the middle of a huge project at work, a family dinner, or some much deserved alone time, when the phone rings, a relative barges in, or a co-worker pops in. You’re annoyed, but reluctant to say anything because you like your open-door policy, you don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, or you don’t want anyone upset with you.

This is a much different world than it was a generation ago. Back then, people were more polite, most offices had doors and were not cubicles, and people did not take it for granted that they were not interrupting you, but automatically assumed that they were. What’s changed? Technology has paved the way for this erosion of boundaries with pagers, e-mail, and cell phones accessibility has come to be expected. Unfortunately people have also come to stop respecting boundaries.

Belinda had just walked in the house when her cell phone rang. It was her sister asking her to fill in for her at her catering job. Belinda had filled in for Sue previously so she knew the work, but she was tired, having just completed her twelve hour shift at the hospital. She tried to convey this to her sister, but Sue being Sue, just assumed that the answer would be yes, and just continued with the details without waiting for an answer. Belinda was hurt and rather angry at Sue, but she hid her feelings and let out a rather long sigh as she went upstairs to change her clothes for her second work shift of the day. Toby was sitting in his living room watching the game when Fred burst in. He looked up a bit startled at the interruption, but when he saw who it was he was unsurprised at the intrusion. He and Fred had been friends since they were three years old, so Fred had been walking into his house ever since he could remember. He was very happy that Suzie wasn’t home because she looked at Fred’s familiarity as rude and it was often the cause of some of their rare arguments. Toby could see her point, but he didn’t have the heart to start making changes that could ruffle his nearly life-long friendship.

What do Belinda and Toby share? They both have people in their lives, close people, who do not respect them. Their needs, wants, and concerns are not being considered by Sue or Fred. However, while it would be nice for Sue and Fred to automatically consider their feelings, it is up to Belinda and Toby to voice their dissatisfaction with the situation. Realistically, no one can be expected to change a situation that has been working for them. Why should Sue think that Belinda would not cover her shift for her, since she’d always done so in the past? Why would Fred stop walking into Toby’s house when Toby had never told him not to? While it may seem like an issue of common courtesy, perhaps an oversight, or even a bit of stubbornness, the fact still remains that Belinda and Toby are responsible for setting boundaries and insisting that the people in their lives respect them.

Establishing boundaries to correct an action is not an easy thing to accomplish, just ask any parent. It takes time, patience, and practice. As difficult as it is for children to learn, it’s much harder for adults – think “old dog new tricks.” But boundaries must be established in order to protect one’s existence. There are many things in life that one does not have complete control over, but finding a way to protect the things that are important, is paramount to a peaceful, joyous, passion-filled existence. Everyone deserves the right to choose how their time is spent, how they want to be treated, how they want their life to operate, and if those choices are not being met, the light to the soul is being blocked, and changes should be made.

When performed in advance, boundary setting is a preventative measure, but proactively or reactively it is necessary in many different types of situations. Sit the person down for a talk, put it on paper, or make a phone call. Take a lesson from Belinda and Toby. Don’t be shy, take your stance and let your needs be heard. Reclaim your life, your choices, your space, and your soul.

You're welcome to use this article online as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the "About The Author" info below:)

About the Author:
Eva Gregory, International Coach of the Year 2006, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit http://www.Leading Edge

Friday, August 03, 2007

Money Is Your Servant

Money Is Your Servant
By Jeanna Gabellini

Money issues seem to be an ongoing challenge for many of us. We tend to try to control it, as if it were a beast. We put boundaries, rules, limitations, and goals in place to make us feel like we're being "good" and doing it "right."

Once we learn some new wealth-building strategies or hear about a great stock, we get very excited and leap into action. Now, action and excitement are a great combination. And ... they may not be the real solution. We're still trying to outsmart the money. We think every new tip may be our key to wealth. This perspective is that money is smart and we have to outsmart it.

The truth: Money is just paper. It is the meaning that you assign to it that gives it power. It's actually just an energy exchange. You receive money for your output of energy. You decide if you're a slave to your money or not. When you worry about money you have just shut off your choices, creativity, and power. When you think you're powerless, it's like being backed in a corner and you act out of fear and scarcity.

Let money be your servant. You decide where you'd like to spend it and how you want to make it. At any time you can change your "rules" to play a different way. The way you use money is a reflection of how you feel about yourself. If you feel in control and joyful with your finances, your cash flow moves steady and abundant. When you hold it tightly and worry, you stop the flow or have leaks.
How can you improve and enjoy your relationship with money? Let it serve you. For you are the master and it does what you direct it to do.

Copyright © 2007 Jeanna Gabellini

Jeanna Gabellini is an Xtreme Abundance™ personal and business coach, and the head honcho of MASTERPEACE Coaching & Training. For over ten years she has empowered thousands of individuals and businesses to take their focus off "perceived" limitations and reach their desired personal and financial goals NOW! She regularly conducts teleclasses and is the author of "The Art of Practice" Ebook.
You may use this article on your website or in your ezine provided you do not modify the article in any way and the appropriate credit is included.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Buddying Up

Buddying Up
By Eva Gregory

You're ready to make some changes. You've decided to pursue your passion, change directions, and jump right in. You have a wonderful coach who keeps you on course through weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly session, but somewhere in between scheduled sessions you find yourself faltering. Are you looking for a way to stay on course daily?

What about a buddy? A really good friend who is working on implementing some life changes too. Think of the benefits. You will have a buddy who can provide hands-on support, encouragement, and suggestions, and welcomes reciprocating support from you.

When Stefanie and Geena decided to start home-based businesses, they each found coaches to help them through the transition. They were amazed at the clarity and focus that they began to have, and the speed in which they were able to meet important milestones. Although the big things were happening, the little daily things were falling by the wayside and they missed having someone in a similar situation to speak with on a regular basis. As a graphic designer and a copywriter respectively, Stefanie and Geena each gravitated towards a writers group and that was where they met each other. Through an "I need a business building buddy and sanity checker" email, Geena answered Stefanie's plea for help and after about a month of back and forth e-mails, the two decided to "buddy up" on a regular basis off-list. They traded phone numbers, started IM'ing each other, and scheduled regular follow-ups to keep each other on track. The bonus was that because their lines of work were so similar, and yet compatible, they regularly got to team up for assignments. It was also fantastic that they could each talk to someone who understood the work side of things too. Buddying up" was the solution to their regular follow-up problem, they became really good friends, and after over a year of communicating by telephone and computer they finally met each other face-to-face.

Stephanie and Geena's story is not unique. Support and success go hand in hand. An excellent coach and a daily support person or team, can do wonders for getting you on your way. Just think outside the box and wherever you can find the support that you need, seek it, embrace it, cherish it, and if mutually desired, reciprocate it. You can never have too many champions in your corner.

Tips for "Buddying Up" Success

1. Look for someone in a similar situation and ask for their feedback and if it feels right, offering useful suggestions could be just the way to get things rolling.
2. Don't let proximity, or lack thereof, intimidate you. Stefanie and Geena lived over 2,000 miles away from each other and they made it work.
3. Determine how much accountability is needed. Do you need to check in once a week by telephone, or daily via e-mail, or IM?
4. Set goals for buddy sessions too, or determine which overall goals you'd like to focus on with your buddy, and how you will be held accountable.
5. Above all else, enjoy the process. While success is the ultimate goal, enjoy the journey and the company on your way there.

You're welcome to use this article online as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the "About The Author" info below:)

About the Author:
Eva Gregory, International Coach of the Year 2006, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit http://www.Leading Edge